Santana F. KingMay 28, 2019America's purchased soldiers: the increasing use of private contractors75% of the soldiers in Afghanistan are not professional American military personnel but are contacted mercenaries; they outnumber...
Santana F. KingMay 10, 2019The gun debate: Pro-gun argument. Popping the bubble“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be...
Santana F. KingDec 20, 2018Globalization of The People’s Republic of China: Post 1980During the 1980s, the Soviet Union collapsed and a majority of its wealth and influence was absorbed by western states; with this...
Sergio VelasquezDec 2, 2018A SUMMARY OF THE SYRIAN CIVIL WARIntroduction: The Syrian Civil War is a conflict that is complex and difficult to understand. However, to fully understand it, we must...
John BakerJul 14, 2018White Privilege: Jim Crow Never LeftA large problem that society faces is that nobody wants to feel like their accomplishments were easier to achieve or that they had a head...